Base64 Decoder

Decode a Base64 encoded string to text. Base64 encoding is useful for representing binary data in text, or text serialization format such as JSON or XML.

Decoded text:

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More about Base64 encoding

Base64 encoding is a method of encoding binary data into a set of 64 characters that are safe for transmission over the internet. It is commonly used in email systems and web browsers to transmit images, videos, and other types of binary data.

The encoding process involves dividing the binary data into groups of 3 bytes (24 bits), which are then converted into four 6-bit values. These 6-bit values are then mapped to their corresponding ASCII characters, which include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and two additional characters, usually '+', and '/'.

If the binary data is not divisible by 3, padding is added to the end of the data to ensure that it is. Padding is indicated by the use of the '=' character. For example, if the binary data is only 2 bytes long, one byte of padding (containing two '=' characters) is added to the end of the encoded data.

To decode the data, the process is simply reversed. Each group of four ASCII characters is converted back into 3 bytes of binary data by reversing the mapping process.

Overall, the base64 encoding process allows binary data to be safely transmitted as ASCII text, making it possible to transmit images, videos, and other types of binary data over the internet in a way that is compatible with most systems.