Percentage Calculator

Calculate percentages of numbers.


More about percent calculation

To calculate 9% of a number like 80, you can multiply 80 by 0.09.

You can calculate 9% of 80 as follows:

9% of 80 = 80 x 0.09 = 7.2

So, 9% of 80 is 7.2.

Calculating percentages is useful in many situations, such as calculating sales tax, discounts, or commission rates. In the example of 9% of 80, this calculation might be useful if you were trying to calculate a discount on an item that costs $80, or if you were trying to determine a commission rate for a salesperson based on a 9% commission rate.

In business and finance, calculating percentages is also important for analyzing financial data, creating budgets, and making informed decisions based on financial information. By understanding how to calculate percentages, you can better manage your finances and make more informed decisions.