SHA-1 Hash Calculator

Generate SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1 defined by FIPS PUB 180-2) 160-bit / 20-byte message digest of a text string encoded in hex. SHA-1 should no longer be used as a secure hash function, use SHA-2 or SHA-3 family of algorithms instead.

SHA-1 hash:

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More about SHA-1 Hash

SHA-1 is a cryptographic hash function, which means it takes an input (usually a message or a file), and produces a fixed-size output, called a hash value or digest, which is unique to the input data.

SHA-1 works by breaking up the input data into blocks of 512 bits, and then processes each block through a series of mathematical operations. The result of this computation is a 160-bit hash value.

The key idea behind SHA-1 is to make it difficult to find two different inputs that produce the same hash value. This property is known as collision resistance. It is achieved through the use of several techniques, including:

  1. Message Padding: The input data is padded with additional bits so that its length is a multiple of 512 bits. This ensures that the last block is always processed in the same way, regardless of the length of the input.

  2. Compression Function: SHA-1 uses a complex compression function that combines the input block with the previous hash value to produce a new hash value. The compression function is designed to be one-way, meaning it is easy to compute the output given the input, but very difficult to find the input given the output.

  3. Message Schedule: SHA-1 uses a message schedule to ensure that each block of input data is processed in a unique way. The message schedule is based on a set of constants and functions that are repeated throughout the computation.

The resulting hash value can be used to verify the integrity of the input data. If even a single bit of the input data is changed, the resulting hash value will be completely different. Therefore, the hash value can be thought of as a fingerprint of the input data, and is commonly used to verify the authenticity of digital signatures, passwords, and other sensitive data.